VPT ~ Programs & Events, 2008

May Party and Plant Sale
A Voluntown Peace Trust Fundraiser May 24, 2008, 10am - 6pmJoin us as we celebrate the beginning of the growing season with an open house, garden tours, yoga, poetry, may pole, and more!
10 am Plant Sale and Open House begins (seedlings grown @ VPT available for sale)
10:30 am Tour of the Peace Trust's 57 acres of woods, lodges & gardens
11 am Yoga on the Lawn (in the Muste Center if it rains), led by Rosa Puerillo
$5 suggested donation (more if you can, less if you can't)
12 pm Potluck Lunch. Please bring a dish to share!
1 pm Tour of the Peace Trust's 57 acres of woods, lodges & gardens
1:30 pm Yoga on the Lawn (see above)
2:30 pm Capoeira on the Lawn, led by Professor Fabiano Lucas
$5 suggested donation (more if you can, less if you can't)
4 pm Poetry Reading by Poet Steve Straight
$5 suggested donation (more if you can, less if you can't)
5 pm Raffle prizes: cash, organic cleaning supplies, more!
Podran cortar todas las flores, pero no podran detener la primavera
(They can cut down the flowers, but they can't hold back the spring!)
May 2-3, 2008 Camp Little Windows - Traditional Music Weekend
Camp Little Windows was born out of a growing interest in traditional singing. Small, personally oriented vocal classes invite participants to explore the rich heritage of folk music from Irish, Appalachian, and other traditional cultures. Pre-registration required. Contact Julee Glaub at [email protected]. www.littlewindows.net
April 26, 2008 Spring Work Day
Celebrate the season by helping out around the Farm with work on the garden, trails, and grounds. Lunch included.
Third Annual Winter Film Series: People Power
April 25: From Nashville to New York City and Beyond
Chapters or excerpts from A Force More Powerful, Malcom X, Slam, and Favela Rising.
The final event in the film series will look at contemporary examples--most from within the US--of nonviolence in action, from the streets of New York City to the jails of DC, from the Civil Rights Era to the National Security State, we'll explore the many ways that folks have individually and collectively been able to "break the script" and choose the "third way" of a nonviolent approach to conflict and oppression in their struggles for liberation.
This year's theme, People Power, is an invitation to explore the themes of social change and nonviolence through the lens of a People Power analysis. This analysis understands that power is not something that those in leadership positions hold, but is a fragile relationship between those in power and the rest of us. In this series we will unearth a history of communities organizing to take back power through revolutionary nonviolence.
As always, the evenings will begin with a community potluck at 6pm, followed by the film at 7pm, and a discussion afterwards. Suggested donation is $5 per person. RSVPs not necessary but welcome!